It's almost recital time!

Did you know that we keep ALL of our recital information in one convenient and easy-to-find place?!?!
You don't have to dig through your inbox to find the info you need; instead, head over to the recital parent information page, and voila, it's all right there!
We recently sent home a "family recital detail" schedule. This paper details exactly what show your students are performing in.
It has the show number, followed by the dance's number in the show order, followed by the dance name, style, and class. It looks like the example below.

If you need an extra copy of this, we will happily email it over or print you a new one! So kindly send us an email or stop by the front desk, and we will get you one!
The dress rehearsal schedule is now available right HERE and also on the site!
We're excited about this FUN recital season! We will send out a weekly reminder of what's coming up this busy month leading up to TDW!