What's happening at TDW this week?!
Need shoes or other gear?!
Shoe fittings continue this week! If your dancer is needing to get fitted for shoes and outfitted for class stop into TDW Closet Tuesday or Wednesday (September 6th & 7th) from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. The TDW Closet is stocked full of class wear and shoes and ready to get you set for the season!
Parking Lot Party!!!
It's our Second Annual Parking Lot Party!! Friday, September 9th, from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Join us in our parking lot for music, games, bounce houses, balloon art, food trucks, and of course, FUN!!
What's Coming Soon?!
Classes Start!!
First day of class is Monday, September 12th! We are sooo excited!!!

At The Dance Works, our Student Assistants are an essential part of our dance classes and offer invaluable support to our instructors. It has been our experience that our young dancers love their class assistants and look up to them with admiration. This program is designed to offer our students 12 and older a hands-on learning experience towards becoming a trained assistant and responsible leader. Student Assistants will be assigned to a class of younger dancers to assist with for an entire dance season. If you are interested in becoming a Student Assistant you can sign up today in the portal, just search Aspiring Teacher Program. If you'd like further information shoot us an email!
