Due to Covid-19, we are unable to hold our annual recital in the same way we have done for the last 31 years. So, we're making a video.....For The Record, as evidence that this year existed. That even though it wasn't exactly how we had planned, or how we wanted it to be, we danced anyway.We want to make sure that your child can look back and remember the year of the video only dance recital.
June 24th - 28th at The Merryman Performing Arts Center.
Each class has an assigned time slot. Times are listed by class name, day and time. You can view the schedule HERE.
Students need to arrive in costume. If they have more than one costume, they need to come dressed in their first costume.
Please be right on time as we are trying to limit the number of dancers in the MPAC. We are also trying to adhere to a strict schedule.
Everyone will enter through the main entrance of The Merryman Performing Arts Center.If your dancer has multiple dances, they will hang their costumes in a designated, disinfected spot in the cafeteria area.
A TDW staff member will direct them to the photography station, where they will have an individual photo taken. After that, they will head directly to a waiting area backstage.
Each class will have approximately 30 minutes of stage time. They will set and rehearse their dance on stage. Once they have rehearsed and their instructor feels they are ready, they will perform their dance full out. The stage will have a beautiful backdrop, theatrical lights, and a professional videographer will record their dance!
Upon completion of their recording, a staff member will take them to the pick-up area, or out to the cafeteria to change for their next dance.
The pick-up area will be the doors for the Central Elementary School gym on the southwest side of the building.
All students are allowed only one parent at MPAC. That parent will be allowed into the auditorium and in the cafeteria to help their student change. Once their student changes into their last costume, they will gather up their belongings and take them into the auditorium. This process will allow staff time to disinfect the changing areas.
Parents will exit MPAC through the Central Elementary School gym doors.
Our goal is to use the Main doors for entrances only and the gym doors for exiting the building. A structured flow through the building will help us be able to disinfect appropriately between classes.
We will have staff available throughout the entire process to help guide you and your dancer.
A typical recital is paid for through the purchase of tickets. Ticket sales pay the rental fees for stage backdrops and lighting, lighting technicians, MPAC rental fees, and so much more!
This year there will be no ticket sales (as there will be no audience!). Instead we have put together recital bundles!Â
This bundle includes participation in "For The Record", a video recital
One recording of the entire show on your choice of DVD or USB
One 5x7 individual photo in your choice of costume (one per dancer if multiple dancer family.)
One dancer family = $110
Two dancer family = $ 160
Three dancer family = $205
Four dancer family = $250
This bundle includes participation in "For The Record", a video recital
One recording of the entire show on your choice ofDVD or USB
One 5x7 individual photo in your choice of costume (one per dancer if multiple dancer family.)
For the Record T-shirt
TDW Family yard sign (one per family if multiple dancer family)
Commemorative jacket pin
Drawstring bag.
One dancer family = $135
Two dancer family = $205
Three dancer family = $280
Four dancer family = $350
A La Carte Items
Additional DVD or usb = $30
Additional individual photos 5x7= $ 15
Parent t-shirt = $20

We will communicate with each individual family about about "For The Record" when we see you at costume pick-up! We can't wait to see all of our students and their families!
